A deaf man, Tyron McAlpin, is facing aggravated assault charges against a Phoenix police officer, Benjamin Harris, after a struggle in which officers punched and Tasered him. The incident began when officers were called to a Circle K to remove a man who refused to leave. The man alleged that another individual across the street had assaulted him, leading Officers Sue and Harris to approach McAlpin. Despite being deaf, McAlpin did not comply with commands and a struggle ensued. Harris punched McAlpin, who then bit him, leading to the aggravated assault charge. The body camera footage shows a chaotic scene, with McAlpin being struck multiple times and Tasered before finally being subdued and handcuffed. During a probable cause hearing, it was determined that there was enough evidence to move forward with the felony charges against McAlpin. Harris testified that if McAlpin had indicated he was deaf, the incident could have been avoided. This case highlights the challenges and dangers that can arise in police interactions with deaf individuals, and the need for officers to be trained in effective communication strategies in such situations.
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