Pedro Almodóvar, Spain’s renowned filmmaker, is making his English language debut with the New York-set film, “The Room Next Door,” based on the novel “What Are You Going Through” by Sigrid Nunez. The story follows a woman helping her terminally ill friend plan to end her life with an illegal euthanasia pill. The film stars Tilda Swinton as Martha and Julianne Moore as Ingrid, both New York women from the ’80s.
Almodóvar aimed to capture a more austere and emotional tone in the film, which was well received by the actresses. Swinton and Moore described their characters’ relationship as a profound female friendship rarely portrayed on screen, emphasizing the importance of friendship and love.
Swinton, a longtime admirer of Almodóvar’s work, praised his ability to capture cultural movements and change, while Moore expressed her admiration for his portrayal of relationships. The actresses’ enthusiasm and reverence for the filmmaker were apparent throughout the interview, with Swinton reflecting on the experience of working with Almodóvar as a disciple of his work.
“The Room Next Door” is set to be released in theaters by Sony Pictures Classics in December, marking Almodóvar’s foray into English language films. The film promises to explore themes of friendship, love, and aging through the unique lens of Almodóvar’s storytelling.
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